Monday 9 April 2012

Day 9: Matthew 7

Jesus' followers are not be hypocrites, but show true faith by living it out

This section has similar themes to the chapter before, though this time the solution is secrecy in doing good, but genuineness in holiness. Jesus' followers are to focus on their own godliness first to avoid hypocrisy, devoting ourselves to that rather than giving our lives to trivial things which don't satisfy.

Again they are to express their faith by asking God for what they need because God is the gracious giver, even better than we sinful givers. But we should be gracious too in how we treat others. This following of Christ is not easy or popular, it is a narrow path that relatively few follow. Appearances can be decieving here. Some might look like they're following, but their bad fruit shows them for what they are. These are the people who will be turned away by Jesus because, although they claim to be good, they work evil.

Matthew is showing us this to teach us, but also to highlight how different Jesus is. He shows the reaction of the crowd and the contrast with the rulers of the day- the very ones he's been telling His disciples not to be like.

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