Thursday 5 April 2012

Day 5: Matthew 5:1-16

Jesus calls his followers to be radically different from the world

Jesus goes up a mountain to teach, again reminiscent of Exodus story and he teaches mainly about the law (as we'll see tomorrow) But before he does that Jesus realigns his disciples thinking. He explains to them what real blessing is. Real blessing is the polar opposite to what the world thinks. Poverty (in spirit), hungering and thirsting (after righteousness), persecution (for his sake), meekness, peacemaking, purity, mourning and mercifulness. The world tells us these are weakness, Jesus tells us these are blessedness. This is partly because of what is promised to each one. Comfort in mourning, satifisfaction, inheriting the land/earth, being called 'sons of God' (a clue as to what Jesus will achieve for his followers), seeing God, the Kingdom of God itself (called the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew) all of these are far beyond what the world could offer.

Jesus explains to his followers that this will mean them being radically different, noticeable like salt in food, standing out like a sore thumb or a city on hill as Jesus puts it. They now too will be a light to the world as Jesus is, pointing people to God. It is no good to be a light under a bowl or salt that is no longer salty both of which go unnoticed and don't fulfil the purpose for which they were made! They must be seen to be radically different by the works they do. What are the good works they are to do that Jesus alludes to? We'll find out as his sermon continues.

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